What's been happening at YWAM Ålesund?
Fall 2022 Edition

Fall 2022 DTS
In September, we welcomed 31 students from 9 different nations, for our Fall DTS! Students spent 3 months pursing a deeper relationship with Jesus in lectures, exploring what it means to co-create with the Holy Spirit and how to push limits in the outdoors. We dug into the Bible to learn more about topics like the Father Heart of God, the Lordship of Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, Missions and more. It was a joy to see students break free from fear, dance around the room, and celebrate together when Holy Spirit broke out in a room. The Fall DTS was marked by their friendship; standing together in prayer, encouraging each other to step out of their comfort zones, and going all in for Jesus. Our creative and outdoor tracks were full of enthusiasm and creativity. This quarter we had 7 writers, 3 fine artists, 1 barista, 2 photographers, and 2 dancers explore their creativity, collaborate on projects, practice partnering with the Holy Spirit in their art, and much more. We wrapped it up with a Creative Exhibition, where students performed or displayed their work and we prayed to send the next generations of artists out to the world. The outdoor track had 16 students hiking and camping in the Norwegian mountains, learning to belay and lead climb at the indoor climbing hall, and many boat expeditions with fishing and jumping into the brisk sea. You can't help but be inspired and enjoy the beauty in God's creation when you live in Ålesund!

In December we sent the DTS teams to the nations to make God known in Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Denmark, England, and Tanzania! Our teams were able to distribute Bibles, lead youth, church, and university programs, share the Gospel on the streets in cities and villages, build a home in Masai land, and so much more. God has been so faithful and constant in the small and the big. He has continued to lead, provide, and inspire in all circumstances.

Our ministry team has been reaching into the Ålesund community! Since COVID restrictions have been gone, we have been able to engage with more community, church, and school events. This fall our ministry team continued to invest in the local youth by regularly attending youth groups, joining in youth conferences, and connecting with the high schools in the area. What a joy it has been to see some of the young people at the youth groups grow in their faith. During one youth meeting, some stepped forward to receive the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah.
We also started a new ministry with the prison across the street from out base. This is still new and growing, but for now we get to bless the inmates with a homemade birthday cake and card. Our hope is to build connection and soon send small teams to lead creative workshops or even devotionals in the prison. Exciting things are happening in the neighborhood.

Since the opening of the Medical Ship recruitment office last spring, we have been prayerfully moving forward with what it looks like to build a connection between the maritime sphere in Ålesund and the ships ministry Papua New Guinea. We want to make an impact in PNG and know that Ålesund is rich is resources to serve the needs in PNG. To gain insight and understanding, our base leaders Jan Oskar and Randi Alnes headed to YWAM Townsville for 3 months and later Viktor Boge joined for 2 months, to build relationships with our contacts there. Jan put this way, "if you want to support something, you understand a lot more if you are there, with the team and work hands on together". It's such a blessing to be apart of a international YWAM community, where you can learn from each other. The time at YWAM Townsville provided opportunity to observe, learn, and get hands on understanding about what it means to be a part of ships ministry. We look ahead with hope and anticipation for what God is going to do through ship ministry.
Thank you for investing in what God is doing in Norway! We wish you joy and peace in 2023 and look forward to sharing more stories of what God is doing.